• Thu. Apr 25th, 2024

Friendly match between the SOSUMO team and that of the Star of South Kiremba


Feb 16, 2023

BURURI February 16th (ABP) – A friendly match opposed, in Bururi, on Saturday, February 11, two volleyball teams namely the SOSUMO team and that of Bururi “Etoile de Kiremba Sud” (The Star of South Kiremba).

It is a friendly match between two brother provinces, Bururi and Rutana, as indicated the governor of Bururi province, Col. Léonidas Bandenzamaso. From the start of the match, the SOSUMO team largely dominated that of Bururi. The match ended in a big score of three sets to zero respectively 25/6; 25/17 and 25/21 in favor of the SOSUMO team.