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Presentation of 2021 achievements and 2022 future prospects


Mar 22, 2022

NGOZI March 22nd (ABP) – The governor of Ngozi province, Mr. Epipode Baranyikwa, proceeded on Saturday to the presentation of the activities carried out in 2021 and the prospects for 2022.

In agro-pastoral matters, the government policy of agricultural intensification has made it possible to achieve a large production of maize and rice. More than 1.5 million coffee seedlings have been planted. Cattle livestock has made it possible to produce more than 8.5 million liters in 2021 and to generate a daily dairy surplus of 5,000 liters of milk to sell to other provinces.

In education, Governor Baranyikwa is satisfied with the provincial results in national examinations. The provincial average greatly exceeds the national average. However, this sector faces several challenges, including the lack of teachers, school benches, teaching materials and classrooms.

The governor is also delighted that the health sector has effectively fought against Covid-19, stressing that no case has been recorded in Ngozi for more than 8 weeks.

In the area of ​​justice, more than 3,200 cases, including 47 criminal cases, have been tried and executed, noting that this sector is experiencing difficulties, and land disputes are constantly increasing.

Among the problems recorded, he cited the persistence of drug and narcotics trafficking and consumption, as well as growing speculation on the prices of certain products including sugar, fuel, cement and BRARUDI products.

As for future prospects, Mr. Baranyikwa indicated the continued increase in output in all sectors, the construction of community infrastructure such as schools, health centers and tracks. There will also be the completion of essential work so that the Agasaka stadium in Ngozi begins to host national and international competitions. At the end of that activity, the participants had the opportunity to exchange wishes for 2022 over a drink.